Electric power analysis

“Identify and Resolve Power Quality and Energy Efficiency Issues with Petrik Naval Count’s Easy and Effective Recording and Analysis!”

Are you looking for an easy and effective way to identify power quality and energy efficiency issues in your electrical system? Look no further than Petrik Naval Count on Power Quality Tools. This powerful, flexible software solution provides you with the visibility to uncover hard-to-find intermittent problems, identify and eliminate reoccurring issues, and conduct load studies to discover savings. At Petrik Naval, we understand that and energy efficiency are essential for the success of any business. We believe that the best way to ensure your power quality and efficiency is to make sure you have the right tools at your disposal. We offer a range of power quality tools that make it easy to take measurements whenever you need. Our tools feature a variety of features and functions designed to help you identify and analyze power quality and energy efficiency issues quickly and effectively. For example, our power quality analyzers allow you to measure harmonic distortion, power factor, and total harmonic distortion. This helps you to identify potential problems and make the necessary adjustments to ensure the best power quality possible. In addition, our power quality tools also include flexible, powerful software that makes it easy to gather data and analyze it. With this software, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your electrical system and quickly identify any issues that may be causing energy efficiency or power quality problems. This helps you make informed decisions, such as when to invest in energy efficiency upgrades or when to implement preventive maintenance measures, to ensure the best power quality and efficiency. At Petrik Naval, we believe that having the right tools and software can make a huge difference in the performance of your electrical system. Our power quality tools and software make it easy to take measurements and uncover hard-to-find intermittent problems, find and eliminate reoccurring issues, and conduct load studies to discover savings. With our power quality tools and software, you can ensure the best power quality and energy efficiency for your business.

Main Characteristics

  • Power factor and AVR regulation for fuel efficiency and fuel saving. May be one of your generators is acting as a motor on certain levels of load, we can tell you that.
  • VFDs fail finding, VFD electric properties are different on mains and output and may cause intermitent failures. We can capture that on data logger.
  • Measuring hidden for electric testers values is a key factor for the fault finding and trouble shooting of electric and automation problems onboard. We have the tool.
  • Scope Volts/amps/hertz
  • 4 voltage waveforms, 4 current waveforms, Vrms, Vfund. Arms, A fund, V @ cursor, A @ cursor, phase angles, Vrms phase to phase, Vrms phase to neutral, Vpeak, V Crest Factor, Arms Apeak, A Crest Factor, Hz
  • Dips and swells
  • Vrms1⁄2, Arms1⁄2, Pinst with programmable threshold levels for event detection Harmonics dc, 1 to 50, up to 9th har- monic for 400 Hz Harmonics Volts, THD, Harmonic Amps, K factor Amps, Harmonic Watts, THd Watts, K factor Watts, Interharmonic Volts, Interharmonic Amps, Vrms, Arms (relative to fundamental or to total rms)
  • Power and energy Vrms, Arms, Wfull, Wfund., VAfull, VAfund., VAharmonics, VAunbalance, var, PF, DPF, CosQ, Effi- ciency factor, Wforward, Wreverse Energy loss calculator, Wfund, VAharmonics, VAunbalance, var, A, Loss Active, Loss Reactive, Loss Harmonics, Loss Unbal- ance, Loss Neutral, Loss Cost (based upon user defined cost / kWh)
  • Inrush current, Inrush duration, Arms1⁄2, Vrms1⁄2 Monitor Vrms, Arms, harmonic Volts, THD Volts, PLT, Vrms1⁄2, Arms1⁄2, Hz, dips, swells, interruptions, rapid voltage changes, unbalance and mains signalling. All parameters are measured simultaneously in accordance with EN50160 Flagging is applied according to IEC61000-4-30 to indicate unreliable readings due to dips or swells
  • Range 1 V to 1000 V phase to neutral
    Resoltution 0.1 V
    Accuracy ± 0.5 % of nominal voltage

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